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This is a listing of the Beanish frames and their associated dialog, using the Beanish Speech numbering system. By speculaing on what the Beanies might be saying, and looking for repeats and patterns, a phrase-book might be concocted, even without knowing the individual symbols' meaning.

Beanish Speech numbering system[]

Using the Beanie Speech numbering system, the first frame of actual Beanie speech is BS 1. (The previous frame, BS 0, had Cuegan speech)
BS-0 = M-2657 = GW-2662 = BA-2665 Dead Sea (which is big) Scrolls

Beanish Speech[]

BS frame number speculated meanings actual Beanish
BS-1 Hello (or its equivalent)
who are you?

Do you speak Beanie?
I don't understand.

Dialog 2658
BS-2 Where are you from?
How did you get here?

Do you speak Beanie?

Dialog 2659
BS-6 Get/find/bring the medicine doctor/elder/mommy/medical_kit (here). ("medicine" could be more specific)
The doctor/elder/mommy would know (what to do).
Dialog 2663
BS-9 This looks serious.
I've never seen that before.

Looks like a keyboard attack.
At least nothing is broken.
... or the same, in question form.

Dialog 2666

Same as BS-6, without the first word (get the?)

Magic elixer (or whatever it is)
medicine This won't hurt a bit. (or something reassuring)
Brace yourself!

Dialog 2671


Yes!  Water!


Beanish frames[]

BS-1: first meeting[]

the three Beanies are in very similar poses. Leftmost (closest to Cuegan) speaks. It could be:

Hello (or its equivalent)
who are you?
Do you speak Beanie?
I don't understand.

BS-2: middle Beanie speaks[]

a longer loqution. Hands are extended a bit; that position suggests he (or she) is asking a question. It could be:
Where are you from?
How did you get here?
Do you speak Beanie?

I am leaving out the possibilities that the Beanies are equally lost and are asking the Cuegan "Do you know the way to San Jose?"

BS-3 Cuegan speak[]

BS-4 Cuegan bandage being removed[]

BS-5 Cuegan bandage completely removed[]

Rightmost Beanie has look of "Oh my!" Middle one curious, looking in. Leftmost (closest) one backing off a bit, perhaps to speak to the middle one.

BS-6: Middle Beanie speaks and points to whence the Beanies came[]

(or to the third Beanie.. same direction) This results in the rightmost Beanie going back whence they came. Probably a command. Could be:
Get/find/bring the doctor/elder/mommy/medical_kit (here).
The doctor/elder/mommy would know (what to do).

BS-7: Rightmost Beanie walking whence they came.[]

BS-8: Leftmost Beanie examins Megan's knee[]

BS-9: Leftmost Beanie points to Megans knee and says something to remaining Beanie[]

Could be:

This looks serious.
I've never seen that before.
Looks like a keyboard attack.
At least nothing is broken.
... or the same, in question form.

BS-10: Rightmost Beanie returns with something.[]

BS-11: Leftmost Beanie leads them to a rock.[]

He has hands outstretched and looks like he's talking to Megan, but there's no speech indicated.

BS-12 Megan, center, on rock[]

Cuegan to left. Leftmost Beanie on far left, the other two Beanies each holding something and are on far right. Cuegan speech:

Cueball: They seem to know what they're doing
Megan: Yeah. I wonder what that is.

BS-13 Megan points to what middle Beanie has and asks:[]

Cuegan speech:

Megan: That. What is that?

BS-14 Middle Beanie responds.[]

Leftmost Beanie looks to left (away from group) Beanie speech (two long words). Could be:

Magic elixir/antiseptic cream (or whatever it is)
This won't hurt a bit. (or something reassuring)
Brace yourself!

BS-15 Middle Beanie applies paste.[]

Cuegan speech:

Cueball: It's some kind of paste. Does it hurt?
Megan: Not --ow-- not really.

BS-16 Middle Beanie continues to apply paste.[]

BS-17 The two rightmost Beanies back off, Megan gets up.[]

to test it out. White paste visible on her knee.

BS-18 The two rightmost Beanies turn (to go?).[]

Cuegan speech:

Megan: Um, thank you.

BS-19 Leftmost Beanie gesturing at the Cuegan to follow[]

as they exit right. The leftmost Beanie has passed the Cuegan on the right.
